
Sunday, January 26, 2014

We had a good day. James walked a couple blocks north to Billa in the morning and got us some more groceries. It's too cold (about 20 degrees F) to take Drake out and there is about 3 inches (?) of snow on the ground. In the afternoon James walked to McDonalds and got us burgers and fries! Drake has been doing so good eating and drinking so we chopped up a burger into small pieces and let him have french fries. He took the first french fry and just held it in his hand, I had to show him it was food. I'm quite sure he's never had McDonalds before. He loved the fries and kept asking for more. He ate less then a 1/4 of a cheese burger and liked it. He won't get this often but it was a nice treat and we sure enjoyed the comfort foods of home! We have 5 days until we leave Sofia. Although we'd love to get out of the apartment and sight-see it's just not possible with Drake and this weather! We have our medical appointment at the doctors office tomorrow. We have to get medical clearance before we can get his visa. I hope he does okay going out tomorrow. It's a sensory overload for him. He was in a small quiet town and I expect that he didn't go off the orphanage grounds very often. The children would often play outside but it's on a quiet street and the grounds are pretty big so he was never that close to the noise of the street/city. James and I stay home a lot so it won't be a problem at all for us to hole up once we get home. He has adjusted to being in this apartment and will go anywhere either by crawling or walking along furniture or walls. He still needs a little bit of support to walk but he is doing very well. He loves this blue shirt he is wearing today. He had already wore it once and it had been hanging to dry after I washed it. I had to keep it out of sight until it was dry because he kept asking for it (point and say "da" - yes).

my first french fry from McDonalds


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