
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Homeschool Update: Day 28

We are at day 28 of preschool homeschool, which Drake wanted to name "Purple School" today instead of homeschool. His academic learning has progressed tremendously in the last month. He started out identifying about 6 uppercase letters a month ago to identifying 43 of 52 (upper and lower) letters. He is doing better with coloring. He used to just scribble or draw circles and now he is able to draw lines on his own (1st picture) below. We call them roads so the animals can travel to each other (lol). I have picked up a lot of supplies including a large preschool workbook and I purchased the Phonic's preschool materials. I just got some finger paints which he really enjoyed. We took a field trip this week to the donut shop in town, of course he loves donuts! 

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